A Video Tour of the Alternate Grissom Site

Please enjoy this video tour of the Alternate Grissom site. In an added bonus, you can hear me decide in real time that I’m going to need some equipment to deal with that slope.

An orientation to the Alt Grissom Site
From my truck to the line of drift
The northern boundary of the Alternate Grissom Site, where I realize I need some climbing gear
A view of the southern boundary


  1. Anonymous says:

    Fascinating! I cannot believe how much effort you are giving to help my family and the Lee family. I am just overfilled with gratitude every update I read (and now watch!). It’s sad that such a beautiful area once saw such ugliness. I’ll visit it someday. Hopefully next summer we can meet out there. But a lunch and visit much much sooner!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous says:

    Ryan, I LOVE that you are not only documenting this with your thoughts and feelings but you’re documenting it with video and bringing us with you! Visualization is so important so people can understand the time and effort you are putting into the search. I’m so glad we connected and look forward to working on the search area with you. I’m hoping that the Grissom and Lee family will be able to join in. 🙂


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